Roblox User Viewer  Unofficial

rusty's profile

@danko78941 (36037600)
Roblox Profile Archive, new url fmt Archive, old url fmt


Credit card knife in my wallet with the crumpled bills
Credit card knife in my wallet and I bet it's hard
Yeah I keep it tucked and I pray I never need it there's a
Credit card knife in my wallet with the credit card
Credit card knife in my wallet with the credit cards
Credit card knife in my wallet with the credit cards
Greasy qqq dudes got me running like a tennis star
If I have to leave it in you, no regret at all
Credit card knife in my wallet with the credit cards
Credit card knife in my wallet with the credit cards
Cred-Credit card knife in my wallet with the credit card
Credit card knife in my wallet with the credit card
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